Heart Of The Family Grandma T-Shirt


Grandmother T-Shirts


Heart Grandma T-Shirt – This Grandma t-shirt comes in your choice of the colors listed for the tee shirt color and all of our inspirational t-shirts come in a regular tee shirt size. This makes a great gift for any grandmother who is truly the heart of your family. This tee shirt says
The heart of the family we flock to
underneath the word Grandma.All of our inspirational t-shirts are first quality tees that are made of a 50/50 cotton poly blend mix. If you have questions regarding our Heart Grandma t-shirt or any of our other family oriented themed tee shirts, please email us with the product name and number.

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8 × 1 cm

Large, X-Large


Black, Navy, Ash, White


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